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Choose the plan that fits you best

Try our web filtering solution for free for 15 days
and then come up with the decision.

per user/
per month
min. 15 users
Start filtering
No credit card required
  • Phishing, malware
    & other threats protection

    Blocks access to domains containing harmful information. Prevents you network from accessing websites with viruses, malware etc.

  • 66 web filtering categories

    Filter content across 66 categories like pornography, gambling, and more with our AI-powered database of over 104 million websites.

  • Safe Search for Google, Bing

    Hide inappropriate materials from any search queries on Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo etc.

  • Denylists, Allowlists, Namelists

    Customize specific lists which can allow or deny access to particular websites despite of the categories settings.

  • Policy per group

    Assign individual filtering policies for particular group users via IP or DynDNS and collect group data.

Pro +
per user/
per month
min. 35 users
Start filtering
No credit card required
  • Everything in Pro, plus:
  • Personal manager

    Get instant help at any time.

  • Priority Phone Support

    SLA response: 2 minutes

  • SIEM integration

    Connect SafeDNS and Amazon S3 to receive detailed query logs and security event data every 10 minutes to your bucket

$680,000 loss vs
Smart cybersecurity investments
In 2023, companies faced an average loss of $680,000 due to cybersecurity incidents, highlighting the urgent need for strong cybersecurity measures. Protect your business and customers by investing wisely in cybersecurity - the choice is yours. Calculate the costs of your security

Become a partner

Check out the latest conditions for resellers and brand your business with SafeDNS products. Benefit from tiered discounts, deal protection, and dedicated support from SafeDNS.

Learn more

Use cases

US Hospital Network

    US hospitals undergo cyberattacks daily, having been the number one targeted industry for hackers for many years in a row...

    Hassle-Free Solution for a small ICT company

      Specializing in automation solutions for SME customers, Fox Techno Service encountered web filtering challenges…

      SafeDNS Ensures Compliance for a Cybersecurity Company

        Hack-Inn needed an effective web filtering solution to mitigate risks and comply with ISO27001 standards…

        We have 6 Million Protected End Users

        SafeDNS | Pricing